I have told many friends about the detox diet my wife and I have followed in January for the last 30 years. But none of them have been willing to try it. It may sound nutty, but it does make us feel better, more alive, and more energetic and keeps us at our target weight. My wife looks fabulous, and at 74 we both still water ski and climb mountains. In 1927 Johanna Brandt left South Africa for the United States to tell her story of having been cured of cancer by “The Grape Cure.” Although she discovered this diet, she claims it had been known for centuries. I’m not claiming it cures anything. But I do know all of us tend to put poisons in our body, and this diet will eliminate them. This detox diet has four phases, which should be at least five days each. Seven days is ideal. If you feel you need a more complete cleansing, go for ten days. But do the math. With a two-day fast at the beginning, a diet of ten-day phases works out to a six-week commitment. That’s six weeks of seeming like a real kill-joy when you go out to lunch or dinner with friends. For the first two days, fast except for 64 ounces of water, hot or cold. That’s two days of eating nothing and drinking only water. In the evenings of both days administer an enema of body-temperature water to cleanse your colon. You will probably feel listless, so be sure to get a good night’s sleep. In fact, you should try to get eight hours of sleep throughout the diet. For me, it helps to keep busy because I then I don’t think about the way I feel. PHASE ONE: Drink 8 ounces of water 30 minutes before your first meal. Then have seven meals, one every two hours, with your last meal four hours before going to bed. For this phase, a “meal” consists of 8 ounces of organic grapes, raisins, or grape juice. Be sure to drink 64 ounces of water each day. PHASE TWO: Drink 8 ounces of water 30 minutes before your first meal of 8 ounces of grapes, raisins, or grape juice. Two hours later, eat about 8 ounces of a fruit such as an apple, banana, or orange. Two hours later eat 8 ounces of grapes, raisins, or grape juice. And two hours later eat 8 ounces of organic cottage cheese, plain yogurt, or buttermilk. On the first day of phase two, you will think there is nothing quite as good as cottage cheese because for five, seven, or ten days, you will have eaten nothing except grapes, raisins or grape juice. Two hours later eat grapes, raisins or grape juice, and two hours after that eat fruit again. End the day with 8 ounces of grapes, raisins, or grape juice. And be sure to drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. PHASE THREE: After two phases of eating every two hours, phase three seems a bit Spartan. Drink 8 ounces of water 30 minutes before your first meal of 8 ounces of grapes, raisins, or grape juice. Four hours later eat a large salad made of raw vegetables – lettuce, mushrooms, carrots, onions, broccoli, whatever. If you are like me, you will not want to eat too large a salad because by phase three my stomach has shrunk a bit. Four hours later eat 10 ounces of cottage cheese, plain yogurt, or buttermilk. And drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. PHASE FOUR: Start the day with 8 ounces of water and 30 minutes later 8 ounces of grapes, raisins, or grape juice. Four hours later eat a plate of steamed vegetables and an optional piece of steamed or broiled fish (without butter). Four hours later have a large salad of raw vegetables. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. This last phase is considered the ideal maintenance diet if you want to stay in good health. The salad and veggies can be varied from meal to meal, but starting with a simple breakfast of fruit prepares your body to eat at the noon meal. Whether you commit to doing the Grape Diet for three, four, or six weeks, you will begin to feel better about half way through and will feel great when you are done. You will have cleansed your body of its toxins. Having carried through on your commitment, you will find you just do not want to eat a Twinkie or even a super-large chocolate chip, butter ladened cookie. If you want to know more about The Grape Cure, check out the book by Johanna Brandt, published by the Ehret Literature Publishing Company in Summertown, Tennessee. It's available on Amazon.
AuthorLarry Stone is an author and publisher. In addition to The Story of the Bible, he has written Noah: The Real Story (WND Books and Kingsley Books) and Women of the Bible (Hudson). In December, 2014, he and his wife attended the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Kings College in Cambridge (pictured above). ArchivesCategories |